Membership is a way for you to invest in your community and show your support of Main Street Medina events, programs, and projects. There are several levels of memberships with benefits to fit your personal or business budget and commitment interest:
Individual Member ($25)
* Business members: Please provide an email notice with link and information about your special, event, or activity, etc. and we will share on the MSM Facebook page.
If you prefer to submit your application by mail, click here for a printable form. Submit the application with your enclosed check payable to "Main Street Medina;" then mail to: Main Street Medina, 39 Public Square, Suite #305, Medina, OH 44256. We will mail you a membership card and window decal.
- Membership card and window decal
- Listing on MSM website
- Weekly e-newsletter, "Newsday Tuesday"
- Advance ticket sales for MSM fundraising events
- Listings on MSM website and Annual Report
- Invitation to the MSM Annual Meeting
- All the above
- All the above
- Membership card and window decal
- Weekly e-newsletter, "Newsday Tuesday"
- Facebook posts of events or specials*
- Advocacy support
- Inclusion in marketing programs
- Discounted event sponsorship fees
- Advance ticket sales for MSM fundraising events
- Listings on MSM website and Annual Report
- Invitation to the MSM Annual Meeting
- Invitation to Annual VIP Party
- All the above
- Special listings on MSM website
- Special VIP privileges at MSM events
- Invitation to Annual VIP Party
- All the above
- Special listing and company logo on MSM website
- Special recognition and optional site visit
* Business members: Please provide an email notice with link and information about your special, event, or activity, etc. and we will share on the MSM Facebook page.
If you prefer to submit your application by mail, click here for a printable form. Submit the application with your enclosed check payable to "Main Street Medina;" then mail to: Main Street Medina, 39 Public Square, Suite #305, Medina, OH 44256. We will mail you a membership card and window decal.